dinsdag 3 januari 2017

The Universe needs channels for Action Energy

Often when we start our spiritual quest, we attend courses and classes for enhancing our  spiritualknowledge and gifts. We have a goal and are excited, but sometimes we reach a point where we seem to hit an unseen barrier that we can't seem to get past. We may feel like we can't get any higher than that.  

We go on living our average daily lives, thinking it's not meant to be. We find ourselves immersed back in the old 3D paradigm, doing the same old same old and the momentum has passed… At least for a while… until our Higher Self and Guides prompt us to get moving again… We get nudges or may first hit rock bottom until we become motivated. And if we really listen to that Divine spark within, we’ll be right back on track in no time!

One of the things that often keep us from stepping into our true purpose, is that we think we always need to be prepared for everything, that we need to know everything beforehand. We may be afraid we are not be good enough yet, that it’s not time yet. This way our mind keeps us reeling in that conviction and keeping up making excuses. Everything stays wishful thinking until we decide to take real steps. 

Who we are now is just a small part of the  vaster Being that we truly are. There’s so much more to us that we can’t see. We’ve done it all before and we know how it works. We just have to remember.
The Universe needs channels to transmit Divine energy, and the New Earth needs our support. If we have a vision and follow or nudges, the Universal energy is put into Action. The most successful enterpreneurs weren’t always highly educated. What made them stand out was their determination and belief in themselves. With the current energies we probably won’t even have to work as hard as they had to.

It only takes a great leap of Faith to take steps in the right direction. When we get over your doubts and fears, and make a move, every piece of the puzzle will fall into place. The Universe supports us, take action. 

2017 is a 1 year in new Creation Cycle. We are given all the tools to be successful and at the same time help our Beloved Earth to become a beautiful thriving Planet again, where all of her inhabitants and Nature are honoured again. 

Are you ready to make a difference and step into your True Power, being your True Authentic Self?
